Some types of businesses, like insurance carriers, tobacco companies or medical device manufacturers, may get sued often. They need all the services that Registered Agents offer.

Many businesses don't, but most Registered Agent providers charge as if they did. This one-high-price-fits-all policy can be costing your business money.

Victrix International, LLC's network of Registered Agents in all 50 states and the District of Columbia focuses on the needs of companies that go about their business routinely, without frequent lawsuits, without class actions, without drama.

We give you the personal services of a Registered Agent who knows the registered agent/registered office function, knows your business and its needs, and knows how to help you stay in compliance with the Secretary of State or equivalent office.

While you don't pay for unneeded services, you don't sacrifice service. With Victrix International, your Registered Agent is only a phone call away during business hours.

You can save significantly compared to other providers. And the more states you do business in, the more your savings add up.